Treasury licensing for New Faculty H1B Visa Bruxanne Hein (06 Dec 2016 11:55 EST)
Re: Treasury licensing for New Faculty H1B Visa Laurie Hayner (06 Dec 2016 15:52 EST)

Re: Treasury licensing for New Faculty H1B Visa Laurie Hayner 06 Dec 2016 15:52 EST

Hi Bruxanne,

I haven't dealt with this in many years, but did when I was at Emory University (College). Since you are in GA, I would reach out to someone in their grants department. You could even snoop policies on their website. They do a lot of these with the research in the college particularly, so could be a great resource for you.


Laurie E Hayner, CRA
Manager, Research Finance
P: (828) 213-5665

Mission Health System
Research Institute
Asheville, NC 28803

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Bruxanne Hein
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 11:55 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Treasury licensing for New Faculty H1B Visa

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We have a situation that has been given to us by another office and we've never dealt with this before, as we do basic export control through our Office of Research Integrity. We aren't sure we should be handling this, but we want to gather as much information to pass forward if we determine we cannot.

We received notification that a new hire faculty member from Iran must be licensed as his research has been deemed more than fundamental. Has anyone gone through the licensing process from the US Dept. of the Treasury in order to complete an H1B visa for a new faculty? Any tips or pointers on the process?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

​Bruxanne E. Hein, Ed.S., C.R.A.
Director, Office of Research Services & Sponsored Programs Executive Director, Georgia Southern Research & Service Foundation Georgia Southern University PO Box 8005 Veazey Hall Room 3000B Statesboro, GA 30460-8005
Office: 912/478.0580
Cell: 912/314.7731

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