names on the SF424 budget justification? dougm (Doug Mounce) 22 May 2015 11:56 EST

The SF424 doesn't ask for a name on the budget page like the PHS 398 forms.  We've always named individuals on the budget justification attachment, but I don't see that it's required.

I was asked to only show roles and not names.  I think that's fine as long as I name the PD/PI and any postdocs or grad students.  I'll use individual salaries, but are there other issues I'm not anticipating by hiding the names?

K. Budget Justification

Use the budget justification to provide the additional information requested in each budget category identified above and any other information the applicant wishes to submit to support the budget request. The following budget categories must be justified, where applicable: equipment, travel, participant/trainee support and other direct cost categories. Only one file may be attached.

Use this section to list the names, role (e.g., PostDoc or Graduate Student), associated months, salary and fringe benefits for all Postdoctoral Associates and Graduate Students included in Budget Section B. Other Personnel.

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