eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Powell, Panda S. (05 Mar 2015 14:58 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Carolyn Elliott-Farino (05 Mar 2015 17:38 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Powell, Panda S. (05 Mar 2015 20:01 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Donahue, Sherie (LLU) (05 Mar 2015 17:54 EST)
Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Michael Spires (05 Mar 2015 18:01 EST)

Re: eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated Michael Spires 05 Mar 2015 18:01 EST

This doesn't seem totally unreasonable to me. A Commons ID is portable (and can, if memory serves, include multiple associations). Its main function is to identify the individual, and allow them a means to access functions that are only available in Commons (including the ability to do reports on ongoing or completed projects, which may be what she needs it for).

If your university creates the ID, it will automatically associate with the institution. This does not mean, however, that the faculty member can't provide it or use it on applications elsewhere. I'd say it's OK to provide one.

As to the deadline question, I expect that NIH will extend the deadlines for any proposals due today (and possibly tomorrow, depending on just how fast they clear away the--for them--large amounts of snow that have fallen). But I wouldn't encourage your faculty member to rely on that happening.

Michael Spires, M.A., M.S.
Senior Proposal Analyst
Office of Contracts and Grants
Woodbury 401, 572 UCB
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colorado 80309-0572
O (303) 492-6646
F (303) 492-6421

NEW Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) is effective December 26, 2014!
Questions? Contact your Proposal Analyst or Grant Officer or visit our website.
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Powell, Panda S.
Sent: Thursday, March 05, 2015 12:58 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] eRA Commons ID question - any help appreciated

Good morning,

I have a faculty member that wants an eRA Commons ID so she can be a "summer visiting researcher" on a grant being submitted by another university.  This does not sound right to me.  So, my questions are -  Doesn't the grant need to be run through UNCW since her Commons ID is associating herself with our university?  Is there a way for her to perform this work as an independent contractor?  Is there a way to register in the Commons as an independent contractor?

Of course this is due today and she's trying to push it through.  So grateful that NIH is closed due to the weather today.  Will that give us an automatic deferment on the submission date?

Thanks so much.  MJ

MJ West

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