Internal Grant Programs Baker03, Karen (15 Jul 2014 08:12 EST)
Re: Internal Grant Programs Forster, Marjorie (15 Jul 2014 08:41 EST)
Re: Internal Grant Programs Baker03, Karen (15 Jul 2014 11:01 EST)
Re: Internal Grant Programs Cira C. Mathis (16 Jul 2014 02:03 EST)
Re: Internal Grant Programs Ann Laura Walker (16 Jul 2014 06:35 EST)
Re: Internal Grant Programs Gray, Barbara (16 Jul 2014 09:05 EST)

Re: Internal Grant Programs Baker03, Karen 15 Jul 2014 11:01 EST

Thanks, Marjorie.  This is indeed helpful and a first step as our faculty have lots of ideas.  We need to focus them and gain consensus.  Thanks, again!

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Forster, Marjorie
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Internal Grant Programs

I think the first thing you need to decide is what is the purpose of the internal grant program.   What is the goal of the program and what do want to achieve by providing this internal funding?  Once you are clear on the goals then I think that it will be much easier to create the eligibility criteria, and the amount that would be reasonable to achieve the goal.  Here is the link that describes a UM intramural grant program:

If you google University Intramural Grant or University Intramural Research Grant Programs you will pull up a number of other programs that exist at other institutions.

Good luck.

Marjorie Forster
Assistant Vice President, Research and
Global Health Initiatives
Office of Research and Development
University of Maryland Baltimore
620 West Lexington Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-6630 (fax)<>

On Jul 15, 2014, at 9:12 AM, Baker03, Karen wrote:

Dear Colleagues,
TCMC is looking to create an internal institutional grant program but I wanted to survey the field to see what is already working and what to avoid.
I'm looking for any information you might be able to share.  Specifically who is eligible? Application guidelines? Funding amounts? Length of project period? Any terms and conditions? Pitfalls to avoid or things you wish you had thought of before launching?

Many thanks!

Karen Baker, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs


The Commonwealth Medical College | 525 Pine Street| Scranton, PA 18509 Phone 570.955.1323 | Fax 570.504.2808 |<> |<>

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