Re: PD/PI v. Principal Investigator role error on AF424 RR Budget
Baker03, Karen 11 Mar 2014 19:48 EST
Had the same thing happen on our first Forms C application. That was the error and I, too, had typed out Principal Investigator. The help desk explained the new format requirement (PD/PI) but I had not seen it in print anywhere.
Karen Baker
The Commonwealth Medical College
> On Mar 11, 2014, at 6:10 PM, "Hunter, Steve :LPH SUP-LRS" <xxxxxx@LHS.ORG> wrote:
> I recently submitted an R01 application requiring the Research & Related
> Budget that generated errors because the Project Role field on the
> budget for the principal investigator did not match the role on the Key
> Personnel Profile entry. This apparently is something new with the
> Adobe Form C formset. In previous versions, the role for Principal
> Investigator on the budget pages was pre-populated as PD/PI. In the new
> version, there is just a blank field to be filled in, so I entered
> Principal Investigator. Had to fix that to PD/PI for all years on the
> corrected submission, and that took care of it.
> In the newest SF424 Guide, it says "Roles should correspond to the roles
> included on the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form", should, not
> must. And of course, the Check Package for Errors button does not pick
> this up.
> Do you know if this necessity has been documented anywhere?
> Regards,
> Steve Hunter
> Legacy Research Institute
> Portland, OR
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