Re: Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts college? Spires, Michael (08 Jan 2014 13:31 EST)
Re: Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts college? Carolyn Elliott-Farino (08 Jan 2014 13:52 EST)
Re: Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts college? Hempowicz, Christine (08 Jan 2014 14:42 EST)

Re: Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts college? Hempowicz, Christine 08 Jan 2014 14:42 EST

I agree with Carolyn. DGA must provide the final approval.

Christine Hempowicz, Ed.D., CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
IRB Administrator
Editor, Breakthroughs
Adjunct Faculty
University of Bridgeport
Wahlstrom Library, Room 716
(203) 576-4973

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Elliott-Farino
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts college?

We have received it in the past. Initially, DGA questioned the more than two months of support requested since the proposal was not a RUI, but when we explained that our faculty have heavy teaching loads, etc., etc., it was approved. I think the bottom line is that DGA must approve it, so the justification will be important. Having said that, a request for five months sounds excessive to me. 2.25 months of support during the academic year sounds like two course releases, one per semester. Actually, it sounds like more than that. How do you calculate course releases? Here, even if someone has a 4/4 course load, one course is worth 10% because in addition to teaching, faculty have to advise students, serve on committees, etc.

So make your request for more than two months, but provide an excellent justification and make the request reasonable.

Carolyn Elliott-Farino
Executive Director, Office of Research
Kennesaw State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Spires, Michael
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts

Course buy-outs are quite common. If your PI has documentation that her PO
supports the request, that's a good first start (given the budget
constraints at NSF and all federal agencies). The applicable NSF policy
states that NSF will generally limit salary compensation for senior project
personnel to not more than two months of their regular salary in any one
year (across all of their funded NSF projects). But it also states that they
will consider requests for compensation in excess of two months as long as
these are disclosed in the proposal budget and appropriately justified
(i.e., your PI will need to make a strong case for why she needs more than
just the two months). Approval of compensation above and beyond the two
months will have to be specifically approved by NSF in the award, so be sure
to check that it's there before proceeding on the assumption that just
because the proposal was funde!

 d, the extra compensation was approved.

Michael Spires
Proposal Development Specialist
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution
Mail: MRC 1205, P. O. Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Voice: (202) 633-7436

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Heidi Davis
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 13:13
Subject: [RESADM-L] Exception to 2/9 rule for faculty at liberal arts

One of our visiting professors is requesting NSF funding to expand a a
successful NSF-funded pilot into a full-scale program.  The fact that she is
a visiting professor doesn’t contravene university policy.  The problem is
that the PI wants to request 5 months of salary support per year, including
2.25 months of support during the academic year, so that she can secure a
course release (she has a 4/4 teaching load).  She insists that her program
officer supports this request, due to the fact that ours is a liberal arts
college.  I'm reluctant to make this request without my office first
speaking with the agency.  Have any of you made similar requests or received
more than 2 months of NSF support for a faculty member?  Do you have any
advice for us?


Heidi Davis, Ph.D.

Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs

Marquette Hall 301, Campus Box 71

Loyola University New Orleans

6363 St. Charles Ave.

New Orleans, LA  70118

Direct Line: (504) 865-3086

Grants Office: (504) 865-3084

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Hawk, Patricia
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] e-Verify

The regulations for enrolling in e-Verify indicate that institutions of
higher education have two choices--use it for all employees or use it for
employees on contracts/subcontracts that require it.  Oregon State
University chose to only use e-Verify for employees on
contracts/subcontracts that required it.

Some state legislatures, however, have passed laws that require all public
agencies (that would include colleges and universities) to use e-Verify
checks on all hires.  The Oregon legislature considered such a bill a couple
of years ago, but it didn't pass.


-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Karen Mara
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] e-Verify

Our institution requires e-Verify checks on all hires.

Karen S. Mara
Administrator/Clinical Research Manager
University of Utah
Center for Alzheimer's Care, Imaging & Research and Division of Cognitive
650 Komas Drive, #106A
Salt Lake City, UT  84108
(801) 581-8375 phone
(801) 581-2483 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Lawrence Waxler
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:46 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] e-Verify

We have had the issue of e-Verify background checks come up again. The
University currently conducts several types of background checks on all new
hires, but there is a wide difference of opinion about if and when e-Verify
checks should be conducted.

1.	There are some that feel we should conduct an e-Verify check
only when specifically required under the terms and conditions of a specific
agreement. Any employee assigned to such an agreement would have to undergo
a check at the time of assignment.
2.	There are some that feel we should conduct an e-Verify check
only when the nature of the work being conducted (e.g. import/export
restrictions) would pose some risk. Any employee assigned to such an
agreement would have to undergo a check at the time of assignment.
3.	There are some that feel we should not necessarily conduct an
e-Verify check on foreign-nationals from countries upon which the Federal
government has imposed some restrictions as that could, lacking any other
reason, be viewed as discriminatory.
4.	There are some that feel that we should do an e-Verify check for
all new employees as we never know what they may be involved with in the
future. Within the context of an overall background check this would impose
the least additional administrative burden and require the lease amount of
employee tracking.

I note that over 30 states have either current or pending legislation
requiring e-Verify checks to be conducted by either all employers or all
public employers

So………..what is your institutions position/policy on this?


Larry Waxler, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Southern Maine
1 Chamberlain Avenue
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME  04104-9300
Telephone: 207-780-4413
Telefax: 207-780-4927

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