Adjunct appointment to submit an NIH grant Mason, Kelly, M (10 Sep 2013 08:55 EST)
Re: Adjunct appointment to submit an NIH grant Taylor, Amy L. (10 Sep 2013 10:00 EST)
Re: Adjunct appointment to submit an NIH grant Forster, Marjorie (10 Sep 2013 10:59 EST)
Re: Adjunct appointment to submit an NIH grant Smith, Debbie L (10 Sep 2013 11:04 EST)

Re: Adjunct appointment to submit an NIH grant Forster, Marjorie 10 Sep 2013 10:59 EST

Dear Kelly:

My first question is whether your institution has an eligibility policy regarding who can submit proposals through your institution.  Many years ago UMB adopted such a policy after a bad experience with an adjunct faculty who received an award but who did not fulfill the obligations under the grant.  One of the problems with adjunct faculty submitting proposals is that the institution has little to no control over the individual, especially if the person has another full-time position.   Here is the link to UMB's Faculty Eligibility policy that will provide you with some idea of what we consider are the minimum criteria for being able to submit a proposal.  You will note that there is a waiver procedure that allows individuals to submit proposals but only with various levels of approvals including department chair, dean and Vice President,  and the commitment of one full-time institution faculty who will accept the responsibility for overseeing the adjunct faculty's award.  In one of our schools all such requests requires the original signature and approval of that school's dean.   Whatever you decide to do you need to be assured that the person will be able to do the work.

Another question is where will the work be conducted?  What resources will be required to achieve the goals and objectives of the proposal?  Will this individual have access to what it will take to do the project?  Are human subjects involved? If yes, who at your institution will provide oversight?  I am sure that there are other issues you may wish to consider.

Good luck.

Marjorie Forster
Assistant Vice President, Research and
Global Health Initiatives
Office of Research and Development
University of Maryland Baltimore
620 West Lexington Street, Suite 400
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-6630 (fax)<>

On Sep 10, 2013, at 9:55 AM, Mason, Kelly, M wrote:

A researcher called me yesterday to ask how he would go about obtaining a temporary or adjunct faculty appointment at our institution for someone who would like to submit an R01 through us but who has never been employed here.  The potential PI has retired from a different institution but is collaborating with someone here, who would work with him on the project (if funded).  My question for this group is whether that arrangement is permissible by the NIH. The grant would be made to our institution, not to any individual, so in one sense perhaps they wouldn’t care very much as long as the PI was affiliated with us.  On the other hand, it seems like a precarious arrangement to me and I don’t want to get us into unnecessary difficulty.

I’ve looked in vain for guidance on the subject, so any advice or information you can give me will be appreciated.

Please reply, if you like, directly to<>.

Thank you!


Kelly Mason

Manager, Research and Grants Administration
Office of Research Administration & Project Management
The Children's Mercy Hospital
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
Tel. 816-701-1359 (x41359)
Fax 816-701-5246

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