Coeus Casandra Burrows (17 Jan 2013 11:09 EST)
Re: Coeus Chris Thompson (09 Jul 2013 12:21 EST)
Re: Coeus Paffrath, Dennis (10 Jul 2013 12:45 EST)

Re: Coeus Paffrath, Dennis 10 Jul 2013 12:45 EST

Good afternoon,

The Kuali Coeus project is up and running and universities are using the Kuali Coeus system for all aspects of research administration, including proposal submission.  In saying that, there are still universities who are using Coeus and will continue to use Coeus, but the support from MIT will end on March 31, 2014.  An extension of this support timeline would be a decision made by the Kuali Coeus sustaining members, which has not occurred.

Please note that any Institution that is a basic or sustaining member of the Kuali Coeus consortium may receive information and support through our help line at<>.

Dennis J Paffrath
Chair, Kuali Coeus Community

University of Maryland, Baltimore
620 W. Lexington Street, 4th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201

On Jul 9, 2013, at 1:21 PM, Chris Thompson wrote:


I've heard the official date moved out the March 31st (hearsay) and the rumors are it's possible slipped out another year (double hearsay).  While neither of those dates are official that I'm aware of you have to consider that universities like Johns Hopkins are using Coeus and they are just beginning to look into what it's going to take to move and from the date they make a decision to when it happens is unlikely to take less than a year so I think you're in good shape.

I know Rutgers is planning to be on a new system by this time next year so I think it's highly unlikely you're going to need an interim plan but if you do I'd recommend Polus Solutions or Winmill Software as very good options to tide you over.

Best regards,


Chris Thompson
MODERAS | Co-Founder<> |<>

On 1/17/2013 11:09 AM, Casandra Burrows wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

As Coeus users know, support for Coeus is scheduled to end December 31, 2013. Rutgers is interested in hearing plans from other universities for after Dec. 31 - for example, will your university continue with Coeus using consultants or internal expertise? Are you evaluating other systems (eg Click, Cayuse, Kuali-Coeus) for future implementation, or not?

Please send your feedback to<>

I will assemble the feedback to share with the group. Happy New Year, Sheryl

Sheryl N. Goldberg
Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
Rutgers University
3 Rutgers Plaza, ASB III, Second Floor
New Brunswick NJ 08901

Phone: 848-932-4037

Assistant: Thao Williams
Phone: 848-932-4046

Casandra Burrows
Research Contract and Grants Specialist
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
3 Rutgers Plaza, ASB III 2nd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ  08901-8559

848-932-4002 (p)
732-932-0162 (f)<>

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