Tuskegee 2013 Public Health Ethics Intensive: Registration Open! Dr. Edward Gabriele 13 Feb 2013 18:48 EST


Please pass on this important information widely to any and all.

On-line registration is now open for the 2013 Tuskegee Public Health Ethics Intensive. The intensive is sponsored by the Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care. The intensive is directly and powerfully enriching for any and all leaders whose interests are in all of the sciences and arts related to health, wellness, public health, health care systems, research of all disciplines, research administration and leadership, and ethics.

This year's intensive is being held April 2-5 at the university. On-line registration forms and the agenda can be downloaded now from the National Center's website at:


(***See web address special note below my signature.***)

The intensive offers continuing education credits (Physician CMEs, Nursing CEs, General/Applicable CEUs). It is an outstanding opportunity to explore the contemporary ethics challenges and invitations concerning holistic health and wellness areas arising from research of all disciplines and health care itself in the United States and in the global community

This year's faculty, as usual, are outstanding global experts. The intensive includes an annual commemoration of the 1932-72 USPHS syphilis study, thereby honoring the men who were in the study as well as their family members --- many of whom will be present. This is one of the most powerfully moving experiences I have ever had the privilege of which to be a part. I most strongly recommend all to participate in the 2013 event --- especially to remember the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have A Dream" speech, and to give very special focus to women's voices in ethics, health, and health care.

If there are any questions, please contact Ms. Beverly Ebo at: xxxxxx@mytu.tuskegee.edu, or 334-725-2319. Alternatively, contact Mr. Richard Taylor at xxxxxx@mytu.tuskegee.edu, or 334 725 2314.

Thank you for your kind attention to this important opportunity --- and for distributing it as widely as possible.

Dr. Ed Gabriele

(***For those using Plain Text email, check if the above web address has been divided into two lines. If so, copy the entire address, and then paste it into your web browser to proceed. The address begins with the familiar "http" and ends with "center.aspx".)

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