NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Barbara H. Gray (03 Jan 2013 09:53 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Wood, Roger (03 Jan 2013 10:36 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Wood, Roger (03 Jan 2013 11:01 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Davis, Karen (03 Jan 2013 10:47 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Barbara H. Gray (03 Jan 2013 13:52 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Jean Remmer (03 Jan 2013 10:48 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Lawrence Waxler (03 Jan 2013 11:38 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Stroud, Suzanne (03 Jan 2013 12:34 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Donahue, Sherie (LLU) (03 Jan 2013 11:01 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Rioch, Judi (03 Jan 2013 11:59 EST)
Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Lawrence Koepfle (03 Jan 2013 13:37 EST)

Re: NIH submission window before firm proposal deadline?? Lawrence Waxler 03 Jan 2013 11:38 EST

We actually had a PI submit a proposal very early several years ago
(pre-g.g) and the agency failed to recognize it. After some discussion
they finally did accept it.

But since g.g controls opening the window on opportunity submissions,
is it even possible to submit early through them?


Larry Waxler, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Southern Maine
1 Chamberlain Avenue
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME  04104-9300
Telephone: 207-780-4413
Telefax: 207-780-4927

>>> Jean Remmer <xxxxxx@PRISM-SD.ORG> 1/3/2013 10:48 AM >>>
Wow. Submitting a proposal EARLY isn't really a problem I've ever faced
in 23 years of Research Administration.  You can see how DRR would have
been confused.

L. Jean Remmer
Vice President, Research Administration
Proteogenomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine (PRISM)
11107 Roselle Street
San Diego, Ca 92121-1206

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 3, 2013, at 7:30 AM, "Barbara H. Gray"
<xxxxxx@VALDOSTA.EDU<mailto:xxxxxx@VALDOSTA.EDU>> wrote:

Just curious….does anyone know how far in advance NIH accepts proposals
before published deadlines.  Just before the holidays, I submitted an
R15 (AREA) application for the Feb 25 due date that the PI wanted to get
off his desk early.  The Division of Receipt & Referral bounced it under
the assumption that we had missed the October 25 deadline.  I assumed it
would be deemed eligible and held for the Feb 25 competition, but we are
being instructed to resubmit by the Feb 25 deadline with a new proposal
in<>.  However, the notice does not tell us
when NIH will begin accepting proposals for the Feb 25 competition.  As
of now, I’m intending to resubmit it in early February rather than
asking NIH to override an internal process.   Is there any suggestion
for handling this differently based on similar situation any of you have


Barbara H. Gray
Director of Sponsored Programs & Research Administration
IRB and IACUC Administrator
Valdosta State University

Telephone:  229-333-7837

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