"Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Tracy Eisenhower (01 Nov 2012 10:33 EST)
Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Nadler, Elsa (01 Nov 2012 12:22 EST)
Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Farnsworth, Franci (01 Nov 2012 14:09 EST)
Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Davis, Karen (01 Nov 2012 12:22 EST)
Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Ralph Norton (01 Nov 2012 13:56 EST)
Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Schreiber, Hollie (01 Nov 2012 13:57 EST)

Re: "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies Nadler, Elsa 01 Nov 2012 12:22 EST

I personally don't think that is such a good idea. The minute you have a "generic" list of requirements and a specific program wants something else, you are going to have faculty say, "But your instructions didn't say that."

Elsa G. Nadler
Ph: 419.383.5302
Fax: 419.383.4262

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org] On Behalf Of Tracy Eisenhower
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:34 AM
To: xxxxxx@lists.healthresearch.org
Subject: [RESADM-L] "Fact Sheets" - individual agencies

Our office has been trying (for some time) to find the time to create
"fact sheets" on the varying agencies from which we receive funding.
Something that is agency specific (NSF, NIH, US DEPT ED, Justice, etc)
and provides 'generic' level details regarding submission requirements,
cost allowability (or unallowability).    Would anyone have any they
would be willing to share?

Tracy Eisenhower

Tracy Eisenhower, M.A., CRA
IUP Research Institute

1179 Grant St.
Indiana, PA  15701
724-357-1915 (Office)

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