Tuskegee Bioethics Revisited: A New Web Site Dr. Edward Gabriele 27 Aug 2012 17:50 EST


(Please pass on this information widely.)

I am pleased to announce a new and very exciting website that has gone live today! It is a rich and powerful ethics educational resource that is not to be missed..

This past April, the National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care at Tuskegee University held its annual Public Health and Ethics Intensive. This yearly event is always a profoundly rich academic and professional moment raising up important awareness and explorations into the social justice dimensions of health and health care.

This year's conference has been captured into an on-line educational resource entitled,

"Tuskegee Bioethics Revisited."

The website is found at:


The website provides readers/viewers with conference presentations, photos, the Center's strategic plan, and the opportunity for interactive blogs. On the site you will also find the world acclaimed "Virtual Museum," that allows one to entire into the living remembrance of the infamous US Public Health Service syphilis study. The video calls upon the viewer to consider carefully how we can avoid such tragedies in the future. The film and the entire site remind us that we prevent the worst by promoting the best.

You are cordially invited to walk through the living metaphor that is this rich ethics educational resource. The website is now live. It will be expanded and continually developed over time.

Warm regards,
Dr. Edward Gabriele

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