Re: RESADM-L Digest - 11 Aug 2012 to 12 Aug 2012 (#2012-184) Finn, John F. 13 Aug 2012 07:02 EST

We have had to create a new registration and then import our old CCR data.  Which it lets you do.  Never did reach their help line and only received a confirmation email concerning email to FAQ.

Seems to be working okay, though  it did crash when I tried to update POC.

John F. Finn, CRA, Financial Compliance Officer
Office of Research Services
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmington, NC 28403-5973

Ph: 910-962-7562
Fax: 910-962-4011

NOTICE: Emails sent and received in the course of university business are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Act (N.C.G.S. §132-1 et seq.) and may be released to the public unless an exception applies.

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of RESADM-L automatic digest system
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 12:00 AM
Subject: RESADM-L Digest - 11 Aug 2012 to 12 Aug 2012 (#2012-184)

There are 3 messages totaling 509 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

 1. Research Ethics Opportunity Update
 2. SAM Problems
 3. RESADM-L Digest - 10 Aug 2012 to 11 Aug 2012 (#2012-183)


Date:    Sun, 12 Aug 2012 21:14:40 -0400
From:    "Dr. Edward Gabriele" <xxxxxx@COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Research Ethics Opportunity Update

We are only 1 month away from the September 11th Smithsonian Ethics Education Event,

"Sisters of Selma: A Social Justice Premiere."

Register today at the following site:

The event will address foundational issues in ethics and social justice. These issues are directly related to the work we all do in healthcare and healthcare leadership, research and development, education, humanitarian assistance, socio-behavioral studies, and social action.

This convocation is going to be a great way to prepare for the 50th anniversary in 2013 of Dr. ML King's monumental speech, "I Have A Dream."

The event will begin with a special opening keynote followed by an international film premiere of an acclaimed 2007 PBS ethics documentary. A distinguished faculty panel discussion will follow involving professors, university leaders, researchers, and project managers from University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Duquesne University, Tuskegee University, and the private non-profit sector. Participant Q&A will be engaged before closing reflections and remarks.

SPECIAL FACULTY AND GUESTS!!! Participants will get to meet the Producer/Director, Ms. Jayasri Joyce Hart, and two of the actual original six Sisters of Selma: Sr. Antona Ebo, FSM; and Sr. Barbara Lum, SSJ. They are part of the faculty for the panel and first responses. Another of our honored guests will be SSGT (ret) George Brummell, USA. SSGT is the author of "Shades of Darkness: A Black Soldier's Journey Through Vietnam, Blindness, And Back Again." SSGT, today retired, works with the Blinded Veterans Association. He is a social worker and has been a tireless worker for human rights and the dignity of others. Obviously, the presence of these individuals as well as many others will make for a fantastic educational experience for us all --- on every level --- academic, professional, and personal.

The conference will take place Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 1pm-4:30pm, in The Baird Auditorium at the National Museum of Natural History, 10th and Constitution Ave NW, Washington, DC. The conference is free and open to the public. However, registration is needed to secure logistics. The schedule with summary and faculty listing can be downloaded from the registration site.

For technical difficulties with registration, contact:

For questions as to the content or agenda, contact me.

Look forward to seeing you on Sept 11th.

Dr. Ed Gabriele
Series Co-Director

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Date:    Sun, 12 Aug 2012 22:23:28 -0400
From:    Gregory Schmidt <xxxxxx@VERIZON.NET>
Subject: Re: SAM Problems

In the "For what it's worth" column, which admittedly is not much, the
issues with SAM is across all users, not just Higher Ed.    Everyone is
having problems accessing the system.  I've been reading about the issues in many forums.

While patience may be a virtue, it doesn't help anyone with submitting grant, cooperative agreement, or contract bid applications.

Greg Schmidt

GKS Consulting, LLC
703-346-5696 (Voice)
703-938-1294 (Fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Suzan Lund
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] SAM Problems

Even if your registration is not expired, you may not be able to access your records in SAM.  Our institutional information is current, and my password was updated prior to the transition; however, I have been unable to log in since the transition.  I have only intermittent success even reaching the SAM home page.  Once there, again, access to look up institutional information is intermittent.  Very frustrating!

Suzan G. Lund, CRA, CPRA
Associate Director, Sponsored Programs
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
312 N. 14th St., Alexander West
Lincoln, NE  68588-0430
Ph:  402-472-1930     Fax:  402-472-9323

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of McWhorter,Sharon
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] SAM Problems

According to a previous post from eRA, if you have an active CCR registration you do not need to do anything until it is time to renew. If your registration was due to expire between May 15 and July 15, 2012, the expiration date was to be extended by 90 days.

Sharon McWhorter
Associate Director
Office of Research Services
The University of Akron

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List
[] On Behalf Of Jean Remmer
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2012 4:25 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] SAM Problems

Has anyone received a satisfactory answer about what those of us who have been unable to register with SAM for the last week plus are supposed to do about today's grant deadline?  I have been on hold for hours over the last week with multiple agencies and have only talked to one live person.  He was at and while he was very sympathetic was unable to help except to give me a number at NIH to call.  That mailbox was full and they suggest you write an email (which I did) but no answer yet.  CSR is also too busy to take calls.

Clearly we're not the only ones with this issue.  Does anyone have an alternate way to submit other than through G.g who will kick the app out without a SAM registration?  Has anyone heard that the deadline for SBIR/STTRs might be extended because of the trouble everyone has had with SAM being down for the last week?

Thanks for your help.  I'm currently on hold with eRA Commons (going into minute #43) hoping they have some suggestions.

L. Jean Remmer
Vice President, Research Administration
Proteogenomics Research Institute for Systems Medicine
11107 Roselle Street
San Diego, CA 92121-1206
Ph. 858.450.9999 x103 * Fax 858.450.9888

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Date:    Mon, 13 Aug 2012 02:38:04 +0000
From:    Lynn Stedman <xxxxxx@UAB.EDU>
Subject: Re: RESADM-L Digest - 10 Aug 2012 to 11 Aug 2012 (#2012-183)

I would love to have a copy.

Thanks, Lynn

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of RESADM-L automatic digest system
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2012 11:00 PM
Subject: RESADM-L Digest - 10 Aug 2012 to 11 Aug 2012 (#2012-183)

There is 1 message totaling 142 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

 1. Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics


Date:    Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:46:07 -0400
From:    "Brodlie, Debra" <xxxxxx@JHSPH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics

I would also like a copy.

From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Young, Katherine S [xxxxxx@ILSTU.EDU]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics

I would like a copy
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

-----Original message-----
From: "Vogrig, Cheryl" <xxxxxx@CALU.EDU>
To: "" <>
Sent: Fri, Aug 10, 2012 20:08:19 GMT+00:00
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics

I would like a copy



-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Wilhelm,Susan Marie
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics

I would like a copy.  I support the concept of complexity and would ad that often the msall grants require far more work than very large NIH grants.  So with a shrinking portfolio of NIH dollars, the work load can easily escalate in terms of hours spent to administer these awards.

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Athey, Rochelle R [VPRED]
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics

We're trying to come up with a measure of complexity.  I have a draft document that splits up our award types into complexity groups from 1 the least complex to  5 most complex.  Let me know if you want a copy.  I want to add the 1-5 complexity rating to our award database and run reports from time to time on complex awards.  It's a very vague measure but it's better than what we have now (nothing).

Rochelle R. Athey, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs Administration Iowa State University
1138 Pearson Hall
Ames Iowa 50011-2207
Phone:  515-294-7723
Fax:  515-294-8000

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Lawrence Waxler
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 10:13 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Sponsored Programs Performance Metrics


Like all of you, our lives have become much more complex over the past few years, a trend that I do not see easing up.

Looking back even five years, we didn’t have ARRA reporting, FFATA reporting, increased FCOI requirements, RCR was a smaller issue, and g.g was just cranking up, etc, etc., etc.

I even remember when summer was catch-up time!

However, when measuring what we do, we still rely heavily on how many proposals we process and how many awards we receive as the primary means of determining effectiveness and efficiency despite the fact that these measures do not capture life as we know it today.

So…….does anyone out in grantland have any insight or perspective on how to convey that by way of performance metrics?


Larry Waxler, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Southern Maine
15 Baxter Boulevard
P.O. Box 9300
Portland, ME  04104-9300
Telephone: 207-780-4413
Telefax: 207-780-4927

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 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available  via our web site at (click on the  "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

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End of RESADM-L Digest - 10 Aug 2012 to 11 Aug 2012 (#2012-183)

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including  subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available  via our web site at (click on the  "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

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End of RESADM-L Digest - 11 Aug 2012 to 12 Aug 2012 (#2012-184)

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 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on the
 "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner)

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