Just-In-Time Notifications Marta Torruella (27 Jun 2012 11:56 EST)
Re: Just-In-Time Notifications Donahue, Sherie (LLU) (27 Jun 2012 14:04 EST)
Re: Just-In-Time Notifications Marta Torruella (27 Jun 2012 16:05 EST)
SWOG, COG and FCOI Schoen, Alexander (10 Jul 2012 14:15 EST)
Re: SWOG, COG and FCOI Dusty Layton (13 Jul 2012 09:49 EST)

Re: SWOG, COG and FCOI Dusty Layton 13 Jul 2012 09:49 EST


Did you ever get verification that these cooperative group sponsored studies need to comply with new PHS FCOI regulations?

Thank you -

Dusty Layton, BS, CIP
Director, Research Compliance and Assurance
University of South Alabama
CSAB 128
Mobile, AL 36688

>>> "Schoen, Alexander" <xxxxxx@WINTHROP.ORG> 7/10/2012 2:15 PM >>>
Hello - Can anyone clarify if an investigator in a cooperative group
study (like SWOG, COG, GOG) that is ultimately PHS sponsored needs to
meet the new FCOI requirements? We think so, but wanted to verify this.




Alexander Schoen, MBA

Director, Office of Sponsored Programs

Winthrop-University Hospital

222 Station Plaza North, Suite 301

Mineola, NY  11501

Phone: (516) 663-4931

Fax:     (516) 663-9718



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