Shared editing/Document Management (19 Apr 2012 13:15 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Widmer David (19 Apr 2012 14:28 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Meyer, Diane M [E R I] (19 Apr 2012 14:40 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Sharon Brown-Smith (19 Apr 2012 18:53 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Laura Walker (25 Apr 2012 08:24 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Andrew M Ludington (25 Apr 2012 08:44 EST)
Re: Shared editing/Document Management Barron, Jennifer (25 Apr 2012 15:54 EST)

Re: Shared editing/Document Management Sharon Brown-Smith 19 Apr 2012 18:53 EST

We use basecamp for our group/ collaborative proposals. I love it.

Sharon Smith, MS, CRA
Office#: 615-898-5894
From: Research Administration List [] on behalf of Meyer, Diane M [E R I] [xxxxxx@IASTATE.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Shared editing/Document Management


Interesting timing!  We’ve been happy using Dropbox for our shared proposal development platform for several years now.  However, we’d been hearing rumblings from our College about security issues for the past year and now they are getting serious!  We’ve being told to NOT use Dropbox. A version of SharePoint “on steroids” has been made available to the entire campus.  I’m just beginning the transition, but so far I’m a believer.

The security concerns with Dropbox are basically that we don’t know exactly where the computer is that stores our data.  It’s completely possible that is could be outside of the USA and that opens us up to Export Control issues.

Here’s an interesting summary, “Cloud Security and Your Data.”

Only using Dropbox for my personal, but not too personal files now…

Diane M. Meyer
Pre-Award Services
Engineering Research Institute
College of Engineering
Iowa State University
411 Marston
Ames, IA  50011

Tel: 515-294-7369
Fax: 515-294-9273

From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:16 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Shared editing/Document Management

What systems do you use when working with a group and doing shared editing on a proposal?

My predecessor used Blackboard which I flat out refuse to even try. I hated Blackboard as a student, and I can't imagine using it as a document management system. I love DropBox and have used it for years, but we're had major issues with people not understanding basic file management procedures and overwriting each other's files. Faculty are shying away from GoogleDocs due to concerns over the new privacy policy. We do not have a Sharepoint service.

Any other options out there?

Thanks, Robin

Robin N Dewey, MS, CRA
Director, Office of Academic and Government Grants
McDaniel College
2 College Hill
Westminster, MD 21157-4390
Voice: 410-386-4699
Cell: 585-797-8536

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