Do you have an alternative IRB that your chair could submit to? That would. Be the first choice, if. It then he should recuse himself from both the discussion, if needed and the vote.
Sent from my iPhone
Sandra Nordahl, CRA
Co-Director, Contracting and Compliance
San Diego State University Research Foundation
On Mar 20, 2012, at 12:44 PM, "Lynn, Emily S." <xxxxxx@USI.EDU<mailto:xxxxxx@USI.EDU>> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
We have encountered a new issue with our IRB and I need some guidance. The chair of the committee has submitted a protocol for review. Is it considered a COI for it to be reviewed by a fellow committee member? If so what are other institutions doing in this circumstance?
Thanks a bunch!
Emily Lynn | University of Southern Indiana
Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Administration
xxxxxx@usi.edu<mailto:xxxxxx@usi.edu>| 812/465-1126
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