errors--unintelligible Nadler, Elsa (09 Feb 2012 13:14 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible (UNCLASSIFIED) McGlade, Jane F CTR US USA MEDCOM WRAIR (09 Feb 2012 14:02 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible (UNCLASSIFIED) Nadler, Elsa (09 Feb 2012 16:05 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible Schreiber, Hollie (09 Feb 2012 14:19 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible (09 Feb 2012 15:04 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible Nadler, Elsa (09 Feb 2012 20:13 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible Sisco, Stephanie L. (09 Feb 2012 15:36 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible Haverstock, Cindy A (09 Feb 2012 16:09 EST)
Re: errors--unintelligible Nadler, Elsa (09 Feb 2012 16:59 EST)

Re: errors--unintelligible (UNCLASSIFIED) McGlade, Jane F CTR US USA MEDCOM WRAIR 09 Feb 2012 14:02 EST

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

It has been my experience that unintelligible or machine language errors require you to consult the help desk.  On a recent submission we had two similarly strange errors and it turned out one number we entered on the R&R budget form was too large.  I actually tried to look up the error from a list of common errors and was misled to think we had to redo the entire proposal; but the help desk's guidance was to reduce the number on our budget and list the true number in our budget justification.  Hope that helps and hope you get the typically great help from the help desk. (too much help? No such thing!)

Jane F. McGlade, Manager
Sponsored Research
Walter Reed Army Inst of Research
BLDG 503  Room 2W125
PH: 301-319-2049
Fax: 301-319-9810
Cell: 240-494-6378

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Nadler, Elsa
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2012 1:14 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] errors--unintelligible

Has anyone seen anything like this? What does it mean??? It appears to have to do with the budget pages, but I see nothing wrong.

Help! And thanks, Elsa

Error:Schema validation failed

DefaultValidationHandler found 6 problems:

 6 Errors:

 1: (line 2 column 58996) cvc-maxInclusive-valid: Value '1100' is not facet-valid with respect to maxInclusive '999' for type 'null'.

 2: (line 2 column 58996) cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '1100' of element 'RR_Budget:CumulativeNoofTrainees' is not valid.

 3: (line 2 column 102862) cvc-minLength-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength '1' for type 'null'.

 4: (line 2 column 102862) cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'RR_Budget:Description' is not valid.

 5: (line 2 column 102961) cvc-minLength-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength '1' for type 'null'.

 6: (line 2 column 102961) cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'RR_Budget:Description' is not valid.

Elsa G. Nadler

Director of Grants Development

3000 Arlington Avenue

Mail Stop 1020

Toledo, OH 43614

Ph: 419.383.5302

Fax: 419.383.4262


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