Re: Amount Awarded from Federal Agencies FY 2011 Jennifer Thornton (19 Jan 2012 12:26 EST)
difference between subcontractors and consultants Leesa Brown (19 Jan 2012 15:48 EST)
Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants Key, Diana (19 Jan 2012 15:59 EST)
Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants Sandra Nordahl (19 Jan 2012 16:17 EST)
Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants Sandra Nordahl (19 Jan 2012 16:05 EST)
Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants J. Michael Slocum (20 Jan 2012 10:31 EST)
Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants Pam Miller (19 Jan 2012 16:34 EST)

Re: difference between subcontractors and consultants Sandra Nordahl 19 Jan 2012 16:17 EST


We do the same with faculty from other institutions.


Sandra M. Nordahl, CRA
Co-Director,  Sponsored Research Contracting and Compliance
 and Facility Security Officer
San Diego State University Research Foundation
5250 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA  92182-1934
619.594.4172 - voice
619.582.9164 - fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Key, Diana
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] difference between subcontractors and consultants

Our info on this topic is at  It does not address faculty from other universities but it is our practice to get approval from the other university's sponsored programs office for their pi to be a consultant as opposed to a subcontractor.


Diana L. Key
Associate Director
Sponsored Research Services<>
Florida State University
874 Traditions Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4166
P: 850-644-8648 F: 850-644-1464

From: Research Administration List [] on behalf of Leesa Brown [xxxxxx@MSN.COM]
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 3:48 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] difference between subcontractors and consultants


Greetings from snowed-in Seattle. Since I have been working from home for two days now, I am actually getting to some pending projects.

Does anyone have a policy about the difference between a subcontractor and a consultant? I am trying to create a policy for my department that explains the difference between a subcontractor and a consultant. Also, when it is allowable to have a faculty member from another university be a consultant rather than having a subcontract with their university.

I'd appreciate it if anyone can share their policy or their experiences.


Leesa Brown
Research Administrator
Dept. of Health Services
University of Washington

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