Re: Amount Awarded from Federal Agencies FY 2011 Kingsbury, Paul R 18 Jan 2012 09:11 EST

The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) is your one-stop resource for this kind of information.  They even have a convenient page with all the research budgets laid out:  It may take some work to tease apart awards from other allocations.

OSTP is really an under-used resource, in my opinion.


Date:    Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:06:11 -0500
From:    Jennifer Thornton <xxxxxx@NMU.EDU>
Subject: Amount Awarded from Federal Agencies FY 2011

Hi All,

I am a graduate administrative assistant and have been asked to compose a report of the total amount of money awarded from the top 20 federal granting agencies for FY 2011. Does anyone have this information or know where to find it?

Thanks for your help!

Jennifer Thornton
Graduate Administrative Assistant
Grants and Research Office
Northern Michigan University

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