Smithsonian Tuskegee Conference: Registration Open! Dr. Edward Gabriele 03 Jan 2012 14:11 EST

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that registration for the first of the 2012 Smithsonian Ethics Education Conferences is now open. The conference is entitled: "The Tuskegee Experience."

As you may realize, 2012 marks the 80th anniversary of the start of the infamous syphilis experiments at Tuskegee. Given the revelations in 2011 by the President's Bioethics Commission regarding related tragedies undertaken in 1946-48 in Guatemala, the anniversary provides an importantly mature moment concerning ethics in research and healthcare.

The agenda is found at the registration site.

Short registration URL is found at:

Longer registration URL is found at:

Our opening keynote speaker will be Dr. Rueben Warren, Director of the Ethics Center at Tuskegee University. Along with other members of the Tuskegee Legacy Committee, Dr. Warren was instrumental in energizing President Clinton to issue the 1997 Presidential Apology. He is a former CDC employee, is a licensed dentist and an expert in dental health, holds masters and doctoral degrees in public health, also holds a master of divinity specializing in ethics, and is an ordained minister. An extremely gifted and greatly acclaimed international figure, it was a privilege to secure his agreement to be the keynote speaker.

The conference has already energized extraordinary interest at the highest levels. I strongly encourage registration ASAP. Once capacity is reached at the National Museum of Natural History, registration must be closed. As always, the conference is free and open to the public.

This conference is part of an annual ethics education conference series sponsored by the Smithsonian itself in partnership with the Navy Medicine Institute, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, the Navy Medicine Veterans and Alumni Association, and others.

For technical problems, contact:

In anticipation,
Dr. Edward Gabriele
Conference Co-Director
Special Asst for Ethics & Professional Integrity
US Navy Medicine
Washington, DC

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