Basic NSF question Heidi Davis (30 Nov 2011 15:09 EST)
Re: Basic NSF question Michael Kusiak (30 Nov 2011 15:34 EST)
Re: Basic NSF question Farnsworth, Franci (30 Nov 2011 15:44 EST)

Re: Basic NSF question Farnsworth, Franci 30 Nov 2011 15:44 EST

Academic year research effort that's part of the standard expectations for a faculty member does not have to be tracked for F&A.  It's discussed in the Resources section, but it should not be stated in very specific terms.       We use language such as:    "focus of academic year resesarch" or minimum of (some percentage that dept chair and dean agree is reasonable - for us that would be 10% because in reality science faculty probably spent 20% time on research).   But it's often hard to separate research from teaching because some of the research is done in the context of advising independent studies and senior work, or even in the context of teaching labs.      We don't allow any precise commitments in the Resources section of an NSF grant.

Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05733
Telephone:  802-443-5889
From: Research Administration List [] on behalf of Heidi Davis [xxxxxx@LOYNO.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:09 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Basic NSF question

I’ve recently moved to a liberal arts college from a medical center and trying to gain familiarity with NSF.  In explaining why faculty AY effort generally cannot be charged to a grant, the GPG mentions that research is understood to be part of the faculty members’ standard duties.  Does this mean that faculty AY effort, if not committed in the application, is uncommitted voluntary cost sharing and doesn’t need to be tracked for the purposes of F&A negotiations?  What if a faculty member specifies that he will devote a specified amount of effort in the resources section?

Thanks in advance for  your input.


Heidi Davis, Ph.D.
Director, Grants and Sponsored Programs
Mercy Hall, Rm 106
Loyola University New Orleans
6363 St. Charles Avenue
New Orleans, LA  70118
(504) 864-7244
(504) 864-7255 (direct)<>

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