An Invitation to SRA Catalyst
Michael DeShazo
(22 Mar 2011 11:48 EST)
NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing Charles Hathaway (22 Mar 2011 14:25 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Holmberg, Janet
(22 Mar 2011 14:35 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Charles Hathaway
(22 Mar 2011 16:14 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Tom Drinane
(23 Mar 2011 06:57 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Charles Hathaway
(23 Mar 2011 09:02 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Tom Drinane
(23 Mar 2011 09:31 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Terri Maxwell
(23 Mar 2011 09:36 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Donahue, Sherie (LLU)
(23 Mar 2011 10:03 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Susan E Morris
(22 Mar 2011 14:56 EST)
Re: NIH JITsubmissions;eSNAP Routing
Carril, Matthew
(22 Mar 2011 14:59 EST)
The last time I posed this question, I took the approach of trying to organize a mob of RESADMers to storm NIH and demand stuff. And no one seemed interested. This time I'll try something different. Facts (?) 1) At no time during the preparation and submission of a NIH competing application is the PI required to log into Commons and do anything. Aside from getting scores and critiques, there is always someone else who can perform the necessary functions. 2) However, in order to upload JIT documents or route an eSNAP application to the SO for final submission, or upload MYPR documents, the PI's username and password are required. Question: Assuming that administrators/assistants help many PIs with much grant administration, how do these people at your institution deal with these JIT and eSNAP chores? Do they ask the PI to do it? (Waste of PI time) Do they login using the PI's password? (Often gives access to confidential info) Do you let each PI decide how to handle this? Thanks Charlie Hathaway *********************************************** Charles B. Hathaway, Ph.D. Director, Office of Grant Support Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University 1300 Morris Park Avenue Bronx, NY 10461 718.430.3642 phone 718.430.3198 fax ====================================================================== Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available via our web site at (click on the "LISTSERV" link in the upper right corner) ======================================================================