FFATA Reporting Michael Mohatt 18 Mar 2011 16:10 EST

I am interested in hearing from public state institutions that are part of a multi-campus state system regarding how you treat first-tier subawards and intra-institutional agreements to your sister campuses.  For FFATA reporting requirements, do you report in FSRS when you issue a subaward or intra-institutional agreement to a sister campus or do you distinguish the intra-institutional agreement from the FFATA definition of a first-tier subaward, thereby making it not subject to FFATA reporting?

Thank you,

Mike Mohatt

Mike Mohatt, Contract Specialist
Sponsored Programs and Research
Office of Research & Creative Activity
University of Nebraska at Omaha  -  EAB 203
6001 Dodge Street  -  Omaha, NE  68182-0210
(402) 554-2286  -  xxxxxx@unomaha.edu

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