small business as a subrecipient Carolyn Elliott-Farino (13 Mar 2011 11:40 EST)
Re: small business as a subrecipient J. Michael Slocum (13 Mar 2011 20:56 EST)

Re: small business as a subrecipient J. Michael Slocum 13 Mar 2011 20:56 EST

Use the certification from the FAR
52.219-1 Small Business Concern Representation

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Carolyn Elliott-Farino
<> wrote:
> Do you use a form for subrecipients to identify themselves as a small
> business? I am preparing a subaward and I am pretty certain my sub is a
> small business, but since this impacts what terms I flow down/modify, I feel
> like the sub needs to self-identify.
> Any guidance you can provide would be much appreciated. Thank you.
> Carolyn Elliott-Farino
> Director, Contracts and Grants Administration
> Kennesaw State University
> 1000 Chastain Road, MD # 0111; Bldg #1, Room 3419
> Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
> tel: 770-423-6381; fax: 770-499-3620
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