faculty incentives for grant writing Donna Berger (30 Sep 2010 13:19 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Dawn Underwood (30 Sep 2010 13:28 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing McCallister, Mike (30 Sep 2010 13:34 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing George E. Capowich (30 Sep 2010 13:59 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Gwendolyn Gennaro (30 Sep 2010 14:10 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Charlie Hathaway (30 Sep 2010 14:20 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Gwendolyn Gennaro (30 Sep 2010 17:17 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Barbara H. Gray (30 Sep 2010 14:30 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Candyce Lindsay (30 Sep 2010 13:53 EST)
Re: faculty incentives for grant writing Ken Clark (30 Sep 2010 18:00 EST)

faculty incentives for grant writing Donna Berger 30 Sep 2010 13:19 EST

Hi Everyone,

I am working on an incentive program for faculty to develop grant
proposals. We are thinking of offering a course release for up to 6 faculty
members per year (one from each of our schools) in order for them to
prepare  grant proposals.  Our intent is to stimulate greater interest in
proposal writing among faculty who have not been active and/or encourage
collaborative, interdisciplinary proposals.  Our initial thoughts are to
announce the program and have faculty submit their proposal concepts to a
panel of reviewers who would select those that are most likely to be
competitive. Faculty who are selected would then be given release time (or
possibly a stipend) to develop the proposal. Does anyone offer a program
similar to this and could you share your ideas with me. Any input would be
most appreciated. Thank you!

Donna Berger, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Academic Grants
Marist College
Phone: 845-575-3670

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