We customized the RCR training specifically for students and follows the
same criteria/rationale as provided in John's comments below.
Dusty Layton, BS, CIP
Director, Research Compliance and Assurance
University of South Alabama
CSAB 128
Mobile, AL 36688
>>> "Baumann, John R" <xxxxxx@INDIANA.EDU> 9/3/2010 1:56 PM >>>
We removed them figuring:
* the introductory material provides some minimal but basic
information regarding research with human subjects and animals;
* if they are doing research with human subjects or animals, they
will of course have to complete a far more extensive program of
I might add, the fact that we did this gained us real points in
‘selling’ the program to dept. chairs and assoc deans for
research whose faculty did not conduct human subjects and/or animal
John R. Baumann, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Research Ethics, Education and Policy
Office of Research Administration
Office of Vice President for Research
Indiana University
812.856.7987 (office)
816.695.7146 (cell)
From: "Miceli, Penny" <xxxxxx@KEENE.EDU>
Reply-To: Research Administration Discussion List
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 14:32:43 -0400
To: <xxxxxx@hrinet.org>
Subject: [RESADM-L] CITI RCR Module Customization
For those of you using CITI to meet RCR training obligations AND also
using the CITI Human and Animal courses, I’d appreciate suggestions on
how you handle the overlap (RCR course includes sections on both humans
and animals). I’m hesitant to remove human and animal from the RCR
course (given certain agency requirements for the 9 areas of RCR), but
don’t want people to have to duplicate if they are completing the
full-blown human or animal courses.
Please feel free to contact me offline.
Penny J. Miceli, PhD, CRA
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects & Research
Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-3510
Phone: 603-358-2427
Fax: 603-358-2939
Office Location: 115 Winchester Street
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