Hi all,
I am attempting to create a written policy for two items, for the purposes of required sections in funding applciaitons:
1. Our institutional plan for responding to A133 audits. We have a standard procedural plan that works well, but it's not formal, and not written.
2. Our policy for providing management and oversight to subcontractors and vendors on grant funded research and projects. Again, we have standard procedure, but no written plan yet.
Does anyone have examples they would be willing to share of your written policy on these topics? Please feel free to reply to me offline if needed at xxxxxx@spu.edu.
Thank you so much.
Laura Lundahl Ledesma, MPA
Assistant Director – Grants
Seattle Pacific University
Please note: On Friday, I can typically be reached at 206.281.2421 or at xxxxxx@spu.edu.
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