Indiana Forum for Research Administration Annual Meeting - Registration Extended
Tim Burris 09 Jul 2010 19:29 EST
Registration for the Indiana Forum for Research Administration Annual Meeting has been extended until Friday, July 16th.
The Annual Meeting will be held on the campus of Indiana University Bloomington on July 22nd and 23rd.
If you haven’t already registered, IFRA wanted you to know that the Thursday, July 22nd reception will be held at Upland Brewery and will include a complimentary brewery tour. There will be transportation provided from the IU campus to Upland, as well as complimentary hors d'oeuvres.
And for the art lovers, IFRA has partnered with several Bloomington art galleries to offer a walking gallery tour before the Upland Brewery event.
We are looking forward to a fun and informative conference this year. To be a part of what’s new, make your reservations now!
Remember, registration is only $75.00.
Visit the IFRA website for the registration form and details.
If you have any questions contact Tim Burris at
We look forward to seeing you at IFRA!
Thanks, as always to our dedicated Coordinating Committee:
Liz Metzger, Indiana State Lea Hollowell, Indiana State
Sue Gavin, Taylor University Alicia Gahimer, IUPUI.
LaSonya Kelly, IUPUI Cindy Boyd, Indiana University
Sherry Kay, Indiana University Tim Burris, Indiana University
See You at IFRA!
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