Martina Tsai 26 May 2010 10:23 EST
Dear all,
I am just wondering what you would do when reporting personnel effort for
the following key person:
With NIH personnel report for eSNAP, based on the following instruction, you
only report all other personnel, but would you list a Key Personnel who is
not named on the Notice of award and participated in the project less than
one (1) person month. (By the way, we are also notifying NIH about the
effort reduction in the report.)
Always list the PD/PI(s). In addition, list all other personnel who
participated in the project during the current budget period for at least
one person month or more, regardless of the source of compensation (a person
month equals approximately 160 hours or 8.3% of annualized effort). Use Cal,
Acad, or Summer to Enter Months Devoted to Project.
Any advice you may provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Martina Tsai, CRA
Sponsored Projects Services (SPS)
University at Buffalo
402 Crofts Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260-7016 (Best way to reach me)
Phone: 716.645.4421
Fax: 716.645.2760
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