Re: NIH inflation allowance Zoya Hamilton 07 May 2010 12:15 EST

NIH policy does not prohibit inflation increases for the institutions. We usually budget for 3% increase in the out years, and we do not stop our consortium partners from using whatever inflation rate they deem reasonable for their budgets. Ultimately we will all have to work with the amount awarded by NIH.


Zoya Hamilton, CRA
Sr. Associate Director, Research Administration
Office of the Vice Provost
Tufts University
Tel (617) 636-6709
Fax (617) 636-2917

> <>
> *From:* Research Administration List [] *On
> Behalf Of *Candyce Lindsay
> *Sent:* Friday, May 07, 2010 11:56 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [RESADM-L] NIH inflation allowance
> I just looked through the NIH update presented at the NCURA Region VI
> and VII meeting in April 2010 and there wasn’t any mention of an
> increase in the inflation allowance. Will be interesting to hear where
> the researcher secured this information.
> Candyce C. Lindsay, CRA
> Research Policy and Assurance
> Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development
> Arizona State University
> 480 965 8016-phone
> 480 965 2455-fax
> "Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the
> rough." Mary McLeod Bethune
> *From:* Research Administration List [] *On
> Behalf Of *Kris Wolff
> *Sent:* Friday, May 07, 2010 7:18 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [RESADM-L] NIH inflation allowance
> Hi Folks,
> Happy Friday! I have a faculty member preparing an R21 budget with a
> subcontract to another institution, and that institution is using a 4%
> inflation allowance for out years. When my faculty member asked why,
> she was told that the NIH has increased the allowance from 3% to 4%. I
> am not able to find this – the last thing I’m aware of is
> NOT-OD-10-039 from January 8^th where the NIH said they only got a
> 2.3% increase in their budget from the previous year and therefore
> were capping all increases at 2% for FY10.
> Does anyone have a link to a notice increasing the allowance to 4%?
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Kris
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Kris Wolff, MA, CRA
> Grants Officer
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> Rose Hill campus, ADN 221
> 718-817-4086

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