Re: transfer of applicant institution for NIH award
Zoya Hamilton 30 Mar 2010 08:15 EST
We processed several transfers of this nature. In each case NIH
requested an invention report and a relinquishing statement for each
proposal that we gave up. For awards that we transferred in, we budgeted
indirects at our rate, but direct costs stayed the same as in the
original proposal. There should not be an issue of higher F&A if F&A is
not a part of the total cost subject to he award ceiling. If it is, you
would have to rework your budget to accommodate higher indirects or
agree to a lower rate.
Zoya Hamilton, CRA
Sr. Associate Director, Research Administration
Office of the Vice Provost
Tufts University
Tel (617) 636-6709
Fax (617) 636-2917
Carolyn Elliott-Farino wrote:
> Hello. I voted today; did you?
> We will have a new faculty member in the fall who submitted an R15 to NIH
> in September (recovery act RFA) from his current institution and it looks
> like it will be awarded (as far as I know, the actual award notice has not
> yet gone out). The GMS has instructed us to submit transfer documentation
> that would be required if the award had already been issued to his current
> institution. Does anyone know if the procedure is different if the award
> has not yet been issued? I searched the NIH policy manual but couldn't
> find anything on that.
> What about the budget -- will NIH allow us to calculate indirects using
> our rate instead of the previous institution's, or are we limited to what
> they could claim? Finally, they requested $250K in direct costs but the
> RFA allowed up to $300K. I assume we are limited to the $250K?
> Thanks. I have asked the PI to ask the NIH GMS but would like the
> listserve's opinion. Just in case.
> Carolyn Elliott-Farino
> Director, Contracts and Grants Administration
> Kennesaw State University
> 770.423.6381
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