Smithsonian April Educational Conference
Dr. Edward Gabriele 06 Mar 2010 11:10 EST
A reminder concerning the Smithsonian Conference on April 29th, at the Carmichael Auditorium in the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC:
"A Deeper Diversity, the Nation's Health: Renewing Social Justice and Human Well-Being in Our Time."
Please register early.
The conference will explore the critical importance of diversity in American culture today, as well as elements and experiences that obstruct its spirit and realization. The context of the conference is the 100th anniversary of the death of Mark Twain, who himself was a strong and outspoken opponent of discrimination and an equally strong advocate of human rights and social justice.
Authentic diversity, and the problems of discrimination and prejudice, affect the socio-cultural contexts and ethical foundations of systems scholarship and research. A failure to understand the complex factors and patterns that obstruct social justice and human rights inevitably erodes academic and professional leadership.
The conference will be a panel discussion among distinguished national leaders.
The event is free and open to the public. It begins at 10:30 AM and lasts to 12:30 PM. The conference site is easily accessible via the Smithsonian Metro Exit on the National Mall.
Conference registration, along with a downloadable PDF with the agenda, can be found at:
If you are using plain text in email, the link may not work. If so, copy/paste the entire link into your browser and proceed. The full link begins with "http" and ends with "id=12."
Please pass on the information to others. We hope to see you there. Many thanks for your support and interest.
The conference is part of a yearly series sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution's Office of Sponsored Projects in partnership with the Navy Medicine Institute for the Medical Humanities and Research Leadership.
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