Re: T32 package IRB/IACUC approval date pending? Donahue, Sherie (LLU) 03 Mar 2010 12:15 EST

For proposals, marking pending is fine. You will need to have the
IRB/IACUC approvals before JIT is submitted, however.

Sherie Donahue, MS
Electronic Research Specialist
Office of the Vice President for Research Affairs
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, CA 92350
(909)651-5098 or (909)558-1000, x83911
909/558-0244 (fax)

The difficult we do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer.
-- motto of the US Army Corps of Engineers during WWII
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. --
Albert Einstein

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Zoya Hamilton
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:55 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] T32 package IRB/IACUC approval date

Someone at our university is preparing a competing renewal for T32 due
on May 25th (at this early date! just imagine the luxury of 12 weeks of
lead time!). Because these applications are now electronic, how do you
plan to get around the IRB/IACUC approval date of which there are
multiples? I am thinking that "pending" should be checked. Any thoughts?

On a separate note, biosketches for PD/PI's and key personnel seem to be

required in two places: in key personnel and in participating faculty
biosketches. Seems odd.

Zoya Hamilton, CRA
Sr. Associate Director, Research Administration
Office of the Vice Provost
Tufts University
Tel (617) 636-6709
Fax (617) 636-2917

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