Re: Proposal Process Angela Sgroi 10 Feb 2010 14:04 EST

Hi Gloria,

Because we are a PUI and one of our goals is to encourage and support faculty members (very active researchers with significant teaching loads) to apply for external support for their research and curricular projects, we have developed a proposal submission system that breaks down the approval process a bit.  Instead of having a hard deadline for the submission of a final proposal for review and approval, we ask for rfp url, co-PI, cost share requirements, outside collaborator, use of facilities, equipment purchase info through our in-house, on-line proposal development, communication, & approval system on the Early Notification Form.  This helps in identifying areas that need early handling and/or notifies key people on campus, so that they can ask questions, and/or advise, as needed.  Next,the budget is created and submitted to our office alone for preliminary budget review/approval.  Final proposal submission does not have a firm deadline (although we publish a caveat that indicates that if we do not receive a final proposal for review within a week of the deadline we cannot guarantee submission to the funder).  The reality is that when this process is followed (and this probably happens at least 60% - 70% of the time), we can give final approval in about a day, if needed because when the process is followed, all involved parties have had ample time early enough to work out the usual time-consuming questions.

We have a 1.5 person pre-award office serving about 400 faculty and staff, submitting about 90-100 proposals a year.  This approach is critical for us because we do not have the staffing cushion to properly deal with numberous emergencies or last-minute problems.  By pushing most of the pre-award work into a more spread-out time frame, we are able to not only approve proposals, but provide proposal development support and advice, as needed, and get most of our proposals out without alot of agita. Of course, our size has everything to do with why this works for us.


----- "Gloria Greene" <xxxxxx@UAH.EDU> wrote:

| Good Afternoon,
| I am reviewing several policies and processes as they relate to
| proposal submission.  In particular the time in which a proposal is
| due in our office.  Currently, we require a ready to submit proposal
| be in our office three working days prior to the due (agency
| submission date) date.  I appreciate anyone willing to share their
| institutions requirements for proposal submission to their Sponsored
| Research Office.
| Thanks in advance
| Gloria Greene, CRA
| Director
| UAHuntsville, Office of Sponsored Programs
| 301 Sparkman Drive, VBRH E26
| Huntsville, AL  35899
| Voice: (256) 824-2657
| Fax: (256) 824-6677
| "The person who knows 'how' will always have a job. The person who
| knows 'why' will always be his boss."   -- Diane Ravitch
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Angela Sgroi, Ed.D.
Director of Grants Operations
Office of Academic Grants and Sponsored Research
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

Tel:  (609)771-3255
FAX: (609)637-5171

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
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