FW: Indirect Cost Increase
Holmberg, Janet 04 Feb 2010 12:56 EST
Janet Holmberg
Grants & Contracts Specialist
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
505 348-9507
-----Original Message-----
From: Holmberg, Janet
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:55 AM
To: 'HRI LISTSERV Server (15.0)'
Subject: Indirect Cost Increase
Hello -
My institution's indirect cost rate recently increased by 8% (!).
Thanks to advice from a fellow List-server I found out that NIH will
entertain requests for increased funding when indirect cost rates
increase by 3% or more. I'm currently gathering the financial info I
need for the request, but the letter will be written and sent by our
CFO. He asked me if I had a sample letter (which of course I don't).
So once again I'm turning to the List-serve to see if any of you can
offer me help. Feel free to respond off-line - xxxxxx@lrri.org.
Janet Holmberg
Grants & Contracts Specialist
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute
505 348-9507
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