Human Subjects and Animals at other institutions
Jackie Frederick 03 Feb 2010 16:34 EST
We have a question regarding the proper Human Subject or Animal Welfare
Assurance number to use on the Other Project Information Compenent page
in an NIH application. Instructions for both human subjects and
vertebrate animals use state that we should check yes if activities
pertaining human subjects or vertebrate animals are planned at any
performance site. If the use of human subjects or vertebrate animals
will take place at another institution, what do you enter into the box
for the Federal Assurance number?. The instructions say in bold "Do not
insert the human subjects (or animal welfare) assurance number of any
collaborating institution." Should we enter our assurance number
although the human subjects (animals) research is taking place at
another institution? We thank you for your answers in advance!
Jackie Frederick
Director, PreAward
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
201J University Hall
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
V - 937-775-2664
F – 937-775-3781
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