Re: FW: Debate Flaring Over Grants for Research
Charlie Hathaway 22 Sep 2009 11:40 EST
First sentences matter! It is a shame that the public reads "[NIH
is] hundreds of millions of dollars a year to scientists
whose projects are deemed less scientifically worthy than those
denied money." The author should have discussed the criteria used
in reviewing and awarding grants (and how these criteria are
changing!). Feasibility has been such an important part of the
"scientific" review and younger investigators are always at a
disadvantage in that test. Does that mean that their ideas are less
worthy? The public comes away from this article feeling that the
quality of science is being sacrificed when in truth there may
ultimately be more benefits to human health by the increased emphasis
on innovation and potential.
At 08:50 AM 9/22/2009, you wrote:
>Good Morning Group,
>Article of interest.
>HEALTH | September 22, 2009
>Debate Flaring Over Grants for Research
>In the scientific equivalent of affirmative action, the government
>is giving hundreds of millions of dollars a year to scientists whose
>projects are deemed less worthy than others.
>Scott Davis, CRA
>Certified Research Administrator
>Office of Research Administration
>University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
>Tel: 405-271-2090
>Fax: 405-271-8651
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