Re: ERA Commons affiliation question... Roberts, Anna, L 17 Sep 2009 10:23 EST

I too am very interested in finding this out, as I'll be working for 2
separate institutions very shortly (one on a contractual basis as a SO
and the other as a full time employee and a yet undetermined status


Anna L. Roberts
Manager, Grants Administration
The Children's Mercy Hospital
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
p: 816.234.3977
f: 816.855.1982

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-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Lindsey Sullivan
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:05 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] ERA Commons affiliation question...

Does anyone know how to affiliate your ERA Commons profile with more
one organization?

Lindsey L. Sullivan
Project Development Officer
IUP Research Institute
University Square
1179 Grant Street, Suite 1
Indiana, PA 15701

Office:  724-357-4033
Fax:  724-357-7697

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