Re: Question about NIH grant with PI working part-time in US
Charlie Hathaway 13 Aug 2009 15:32 EST
This is a decision for the institution. I think NIH will not want to get
involved as long as the grant is managed.
> If a PI has a R01 awarded here at a US institution but he is now going
> to be living in Japan
> for at least a good portion of the year, is he allowed to keep the grant
> since he will still
> be overseeing and managing the lab via email, skype, etc?
> Terri
> Terri Bosshard, CRA
> Administrator
> Dept of Molecular Virology & Microbiology
> Baylor College of Medicine
> One Baylor Plaza MS385
> Houston, TX 77030
> (713) 798-3154
> (713) 798-5075 (Fax)
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