will be down this coming Saturday and Sunday Jennifer Lech 04 Aug 2009 10:43 EST

For those of you who will be submitting applications for NIH's Individual
NRSA Fellowship deadline on Monday, please be advised that will be
unavailable this coming Saturday and Sunday, August 8 and 9.  See the homepage for more information.

As someone who has a bunch of F32 applications to submit for Monday's
deadline, which happens to be the first electronic submission deadline for
the fellowships,  I sure hope they don't encounter any unforeseen problems
with their system maintenance this weekend!

Jennifer Lech

Jennifer Lech
Senior Grants Officer/eRA Systems Specialist
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
9 Cambridge Center, 2nd Floor
Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone:  (617) 258-5220
Fax:  (617) 258-5121

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