Call for Applications: NCURA Travel Award Sponsored by IT Works, Inc Pamela T. Plotkin 05 Aug 2009 08:07 EST

Anybody need help paying for travel expenses to get to NCURA this fall?
Check out IT Works has an
NCURA travel award that covers expenses including transportation costs,
hotel, meals, and parking up to $1500. Just let them know what you hope
to get out of this year's meeting. Applications have to be in by
9/20/09. The contact there is
<> if you need more info.

Dana Smith
Senior Account Executive
IT Works, Inc.
316 West Millbrook Road
Suite 213
Raleigh, NC 27609
Ph: (919)232-5332 X 224
Fx: (919)232-5373
Email: <>
Web: <>

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