We incorporated...with Tables in the early Signif and Need section.
Drawings near the end. BUT...we never had narrative text on pages that
also contained tables or drawings.
> So how do we organize the proposal? All the narrative up front with the
> drawings, etc., last - or incorporate the drawings, etc., into the text,
> and
> let NIH figure out how much actual text we have? Thanks for your help
> all.
> Carole Knight
> Saint Louis University
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:03 PM, Ancelmo Encinias <xxxxxx@nmsu.edu>
> wrote:
>> *Here is a response I received from NIH.*
>> Ancelmo,
>> Replies to your questions are below.
>> 1. The 20 page limit on the Project Narrative includes the following:
>> Specific Aims: one page or less
>> Background: must not exceed one page
>> Improvement Plans: up to 18 pages
>> Significance and Need: (grant tables do not count against the 20 pages)
>> Project Management and Institutional Commitment:
>> Design Considerations: (we suggest between 3 5 pages for this section)
>> Engineering Criteria: requires narrative
>> Architectural Criteria: requires
>> narrative
>> Line Drawings: (do not counted against the 20 pages)
>> Equipment: (if a table that does not include sentences or paragraphs,
>> does
>> not count against the 20 page limit)
>> Project Timeline: (if no text, does not count against the 20 page limit)
>> 2. The Project Narrative is not limited to 40 pages. The narrative text
>> mentioned above is limited to 20 pages, but the tables and line drawings
>> could increase the entire Project Narrative to more than 40 pages.
>> Ignore
>> the warning at the 40 or greater pages and continue with the uploading
>> of
>> the application.
>> Regards,
>> Willie
>> From: Ancelmo Encinias [mailto:xxxxxx@nmsu.edu]
>> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:27 PM
>> To: McCullough, Willie (NIH/NCRR) [E]
>> Cc: Torkashvan, Esmail (NIH/NCRR) [E]; Atherton, Holly (NIH/NCRR) [E];
>> xxxxxx@research.nmsu.edu; 'Bernstein, Marvin'
>> Subject: FW: Questions on C06 R&R Other Project Info Form #4
>> Environmental
>> Impact
>> Additional Questions:
>> Is it correct that the 20 Page limit referenced in the instructions
>> includes the following?
>> Specific Aims
>> Background
>> Improvement Plan
>> Equipment
>> Project Timeline
>> & The 20 page limit does not include the following?
>> Design Considerations
>> o Tables
>> o Engineering Criteria
>> o Architectural Criteria
>> o Line Drawings
>> Also, do we need to stay within 40 pages for the total Program
>> Narrative?
>> If, for example, we have a total of 41 pages for the Program
>> Narrative = to the 20 pages plus the tables, line drawings, engineering
>> &
>> architectural criteria - are we ok or do we exceed the page limit?
>> =======
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