Re: Fwd: what happens when you mix scientists, a few reporters, MJ, and the worst mosquito sawrm? Lonnie Hawley 09 Jul 2009 07:37 EST



Maggie Griscavage wrote:
> Because I think you all deserve more than just ARRA, FARs, T&Cs, and
> other problems. Here is one I'm sharing with you all...   how do you
> think I'll be able to account for the use of the 'scientific field
> supplies,' (lab gloves, boots, etc)  - rhetorical question - no need
> to answer!
> Toolik Field Station is our remote, north Alaska research station!!
> Happy Wednesday,
> Maggie
> G. Maggie Griscavage, CRA
> Director
> Office of Grants & Contracts Administration
> University of Alaska Fairbanks
> 907-474-7301
> 907-687-3513 cell
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Well, here’s what happens when you mix scientists, a few reporters,
> MJ, and the worst mosquito swarm seen on camp during my two weeks at
> Toolik.
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Leon L. Hawley, Jr. (Lonnie)

Award Analyst
Office of Sponsored Research
UNC-Chapel Hill
104 Airport Drive, Suite 2200
CB 1350
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1350

Phone:	919-962-4686
Fax:	919-962-5011

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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