Re: NIH K25 proposals Charlie Hathaway 03 Jun 2009 15:13 EST

For K awards you MUST speak with the K guru at the institute(s) that
might fund.  Over the years there have been different interpretations
of what effort on a K means.  To me, effort on a K is quite different
than effort on a research grant.  How do you define effort devoted to
one's own career dev?  Thus, in many cases, they will give you the
salary max regardless of the precise % effort x salary that you feel
is appropriate.  Call them.


At 03:59 PM 6/3/2009, you wrote:
>Could someone please confirm that I'm reading the policies relating to
>effort on NIH K25's correctly? Our PI has a full-time 9 month academic
>year faculty appointment.  He plans to devote 75% of that appointment
>to the K25, with the balance spent on teaching or other research
>pursuits and activities consistent with the objectives of the award.
>Is this an acceptable level of effort?  Also, it appears that we have
>to keep the research development and support costs at the limit
>allowed by the IC most likely to review the proposal.  Is that
>correct?  Thanks for your help.
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