Re: Subcontracts with subcontracts Lea Hollowell 03 Jun 2009 14:32 EST

This depends on several things.

First, which set of guidelines are you dealing with since NIH likes to
provide numerous conflicting sets?  :o/

In most cases you will be using the PHS SF424 (R&R).  These state that
"Separate budgets are required only for subawardee/consortium
organizations that perform a substantive portion of the project." (Page
I-86)  With this being a sub of a sub, I would assume that they are not
performing a substantive portion of the project, and thus, no detailed
budget required.

Lea Hollowell
Research Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs
Indiana State University

>>> "Dimmitt, Robert" <xxxxxx@INDIANA.EDU> 6/3/2009 2:34 PM >>>
Good afternoon everyone,

I have what should be a simple question.  When you are putting a sub in
a NIH R01 (for example) that also has a sub (so your sub has a
subcontract), do you include the detail budget R&R sub budget for both
subs or just the one you are subcontracting with?

Thanks in advance

Rob Dimmitt
Indiana University

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