Hi Lindsey,
Check out Texas A&M's Office of Proposal Development web site. They
have an example of a post-doc mentoring plan posted to their wonderful
Pamela Plotkin, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Cornell University
373 Pine Tree Road
East Hill Plaza
Ithaca, NY 14850-2820
Lindsey Sullivan wrote:
> Would anyone be willing to share an example of a one-page "Mentoring
> plan for postdoctoral
> researchers" that NSF now requires as supplemental documentation?
> Thank you,
> Lindsey
> Lindsey L. Sullivan
> Pre-Award Project Development Officer
> IUP Research Institute
> University Square
> 1179 Grant Street, Suite 1
> Indiana, PA 15701
> Office: 724-357-4033
> Fax: 724-357-7697
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