Re: Subcontract budget form Tina L. Cunningham 01 Jun 2009 16:40 EST


In my experience, an attachment showing up as red in the package means that the file name is a problem.  In my cases, it has all been that they were too long.  If they are rather lengthy and going out of the field of view of the attachment box, I would try shortening them and see if that works.



Tina L. Cunningham, J.D., CRA
Sponsored Programs Administration
Mississippi State University
133 Etheredge Hall
449 Hardy Road
P.O. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS 39762

Phone: 662-325-7395
Fax: 662-325-3803

From: 	Vicki Krell <xxxxxx@ASU.EDU>
To:	<>
Date: 	6/1/2009 4:24 PM
Subject: 	Re: [RESADM-L] Subcontract budget form

Yep, I did both those things but can't figure out why the uploaded file is showing up as red rather than black - red indicates that there's something wrong....


From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Mary-Ellen Fortini
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] Subcontract budget form

If you hit check for errors first, then the save button becomes available.  Then I can save.  Also, I save from the file menu and that works too.

Mary-Ellen Fortini, PhD
Development Specialist III
Public Health Institute
555 12th Street, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA  94607-4046

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From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Vicki Krell
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: [RESADM-L] Subcontract budget form

Guys, I'm about to rip out my hair so I'm hoping you will have some suggestions for me that will keep me from doing so. I have now filled in for the 2nd time from scratch an R&R subcontract budget form (this is for an NIH R01 due on Friday) for a consortium budget and once again, I'm finding that it won't "save" - if I hit the close form button, I get a message that says "any unsaved data will be lost." So I'm wondering if there's a disconnect from the save button to the actual function of saving the form. When I close it and reopen, the save button is grayed out and when I upload the completed (with validations passed each time) budget into the application packet, it shows up as red instead of black.

I'm now going to download a new form, yank it out of there and try it again in case this packet is corrupted in some way, but wondered if anyone else has experienced this and if so, what you did to take care of it? I've worked on many of these before and never had this problem.

Ideas? Chocolate? Margaritas?


Vicki Krell, CRA
Research Advancement Supervisor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Research Advancement Office
Box 876405
Tempe, AZ  85287-6405
(480) 965-2171
(480) 965-1093

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