Re: NIH Award with Special Terms and Conditions Sharon Smith 29 May 2009 10:27 EST

"Support in future years should be spent at no more than a 3% escalation on recurring costs."

 This would refer to a 3% COLA-cost of living increase each year

(salary, fringe benefits and tuition remission) for graduate students are provided at a level not to exceed the NIH maximum allowable amount

 Yes, this is a normal rule for NIH for graduate fellowships.  If you go to their wedsite and do a search for this, you should be able to locate the current maxim allowable amount

Sharon D. Smith
Research Development Specialist
MTSU Office of Research Services
(615) 898-5894 (Office)
(615) 898-5028 (Fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Kim Codere
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 10:10 AM
Subject: [RESADM-L] NIH Award with Special Terms and Conditions

Dear Colleagues,

Michigan Technological University recently received an award from NIH with special terms and conditions that we have never seen before.

One of the conditions reads, "Support in future years should be spent at no more than a 3% escalation on recurring costs."  What does your institution consider a recurring cost?  How do you monitor the 3%?  What if a cost like tuition and fees at your institute increases by more than 3% each year?  Does anyone have procedures/policies to escalate salaries, student stipends, tuition/fees, etc., at different rates?  How does your institution monitor or administer this special condition?

The other condition states that total direct costs (salary, fringe benefits and tuition remission) for graduate students are provided at a level not to exceed the NIH maximum allowable amount (zero level of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award stipend in effect at the time of the competing award).  Does this mean the student's compensation paid with NIH funds cannot exceed the maximum or does this include institutional cost share as well?  How does your institution monitor or administer this special condition?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kim Codere
Senior Grants Analyst
Sponsored Programs Office
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI  49931-1295

Phone:  906/487-2226
Fax:  906/487-2245

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