Re: Challenge resubmission problem Andrea Rusin 05 May 2009 09:31 EST

Oh no.  You're not the last.  I'm finishing one up today -come hell or high water.


>>> Bill Campbell <xxxxxx@UWRF.EDU> 5/5/2009 9:03 AM >>>
RESADMers, I'm still wrestling with an on-the-deadline Challenge Grant
resubmission to NIH.  Sunday we finally received received the email from
Commons with an error message:
> Federal Identifier format (SF 424 RR Cover page) is not valid. Please
> include only the IC and serial number of the prior grant number (e.g.,
> CA123456).
I plugged in the G.g tracking no (in 1234567 format) and resubmitted,
got the same error message back, looked on the RFP where it said to use
GRANTS1234567 format, did that, and just received the same error message
again.  Commons help hasn't responded to my email inquiry.  Can anyone
tell me the correct solution?

I must be the last with a hanging Challenge proposal, what a tortuous
road. Thanks for your indulgence.

Regards, Bill

Bill Campbell

Director, Grants & Research

University of Wisconsin-River Falls

410 S. 3rd St.

River Falls, WI 54022


FAX 715/425-0649

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