Re: S2S vs Forms. . Turner, Don 28 Apr 2009 12:28 EST


We purchased ours from Click Commerce and they have been very reliable and supportive.  They have a base product then, you customize the Grants forms in what they call "smart forms".  There is routing and approvals and lots of other things associated with it, entirely in the system including the ability to upload documents and the generation of the 424 and new grant forms...very robust.

Recently, we added a piece that will complete the flow from inception in the grant creation to Grants Accounting and a hand over to them all in the system.  We have interfaces with the financial system to take pending grants to our real financial system and, also personnel interfaces for keeping personnel up to date.  It is not without pain to do these kinds of things however, you will feel much better for it when it is really useful.

All of our grants went through without a hitch over the weekend...not a single system issue on our end and, only one that fixed itself on their end.  Consider Click as a partner.

Don Turner
Senior Applications Analyst II
Enterprise Informatics
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
262 St. Jude Place
Memphis, Tn.  38105

P  901.595.4835
F  901.595.3115
C  901.268.1715

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On Behalf Of Dennis Paffrath
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] S2S vs Forms. .

We use COEUS and we submitted all of our challenge grants S2S (around 200).
We had a couple of errors related to the DUNS number fiasco, but other than
that, all of our submissions went in quickly and we received confirmation in
a very short time frame.  All in all, UMB is very happy that we selected
COEUS considering all of the emails on this list serv  about not receiving
any information back from G.g for hours/days.


On 4/28/09 10:43 AM, "Robert Bienkowski" <xxxxxx@ATT.NET> wrote:

> While many of us had problems submitting applications for yesterday's
> deadline, I wonder whether those who used S2S had an easier time than folks
> who downloaded and then uploaded the Adobe forms.
> Will this recent experience change anyone's practice?
> Bob Bienkowski
> --
> Robert S Bienkowski, PhD
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